The phrase "Women should not be thought of as sex objects" is completely wrong. Sure, it's goal is noble: to spread the idea that women shouldn't be mistreated or thought of as lesser human beings. I completely agree. That doesn't change the fact that women are indeed, sex objects.
Let's go back to evolution: man's ancestors have spent millions and millions of years trying to get as many females pregnant as possible, in order to pass on their genes. The more attractive the female was, the more that males wanted to have sex with them. If we look at other apes (our closest ancestors) males may even kill in order to become the Alpha Male, the dude who gets laid the most. And the object of the male's lust? Females; a.k.a., the sex objects.
This continues on today. In less developed nations, women have a second-class status; this needs to change. The fact that women are sex objects doesn't deprive them of equal rights with men. But I know what you're thinking:
"Aren't women treated so poorly in the world because of men who can't get out of the stone age, and NOT look at women as sex objects?"
No. Women are treated poorly in the world because of men who can't look at women as beings who are fully human like they are. Being a sex object doesn't change that status. For example, look at Fabio, Tyson Beckford, Usher Raymond or Johnny Depp. Does anyone look at these guys as second-class citizens? Is there anyone who thinks these guys shouldn't vote, own property or have the right to run for public office? Of course not. When men are sex objects, it's funny how no one dehumanizes them like women who are sex objects.
So if there are men who can be considered sex objects without being seen as less then human, then there's no reason why the same can't be true for women. Right? Of course I'm right.
There'll be a lot of people who say that it's simply our culture which has made women sex objects. That's not correct; culture simply reinforces or exagerates evolutionary roles or differences in the sexes. Men are typically bigger and stronger than women, so our culture expects men to be less emotional, braver and more action-hero like. Women are typically smaller and weaker than women, so it's okay for them to cry anytime they're upset, and okay for them scream at bugs or mice running by.
Culture doesn't "invent" new roles for the sexes; it merely reinforces or exaggerates the roles men and women developed through evolution.
Even a woman's physical make-up shows that she's a sex object. Women have breasts, which serve no other purpose than to feed children. And even though women typically have only one child at a time, women have two breasts; like a double-reminder that women are sex objects (you need sex to have kids). And lets not forget a woman's hour-glass shape, a shape which serves no function other than to show how well she'd be able to bear children.
But that's only getting started.
Let's start with sex: women can enjoy different sensations depending on their position. In addition to different positions, there are many variants to each position, done by moving a woman's legs up, to the side or apart, or having her stand up or bend over, or face a differnt way. However, this doesn't really change how sex feels for men.
Women also have a clitoris; this organ serves no other purpose but to enhance sexual stimulation and enjoyment.
And get this: the clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings, compared to 4,000 in the penis; and an erect penis is much larger than an erect clitoris. So this means that women have twice the amount nerve endings, which are concentrated in a much smaller area, highly amplifying the sensations as a result.
And it doesn't stop there, either: women also have a G-Spot, something which does nothing but make sex even more enjoyable for women. But it doesn't stop there; enough stimulation of the G-Spot can result in women ejaculating, which amplifies sex for women even MORE. Female ejaculation also serves no function, other than to make sex more pleasurable for women. And when you consider that women can have two different types of orgasms at the same time (ejaculating and clitoral), while having all these things stimulated at the same time...yeah. Magic.
Highly explosive, intense, immensely pleasurable magic.
And I can go on and on, like by mentioning women typically have larger eyes and higher cheekbones; something which serves no purpose but making them prettier to look at...and on and on...but you should get the point by now: that a woman's entire body just screams "SEX". So many things about a woman are only for sex.
Women shouldn't despise being sex objects; they should embrace it.
The world is becoming more and more liberal, and women are becoming more and more free to express their sexuality, show off their beautiful bodies, and thus, enjoy life more. At the same time, society is making bigger and better strides in the treatment of women, as well as in how society perceives women. A woman running for president and winning isn't such a longshot anymore. Barriers against women are still being shattered.
But in the process, women shouldn't lose what nature gave them that makes them wonderful; their beautiful, wonderful, sexuality.
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