Women like Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have helped bring some much needed attention to an often under-appreciated charm of a woman; the buttocks. You've all heard the old female cliche, "Does this make my butt look big?" This question is usually asked by women in hopes that her backside isn't as noticable as she fears it is. This is a severe injustice to one of the most sensuous and beautiful structures in existance. For comparison, how often have you heard a woman ask, "Does this make my boobs look big?"
It's been said that Europe and the United States are more impressed by a woman's bossom than her backside; this seems to be true of Asian cultures as well. Western women spend thousands on implants yearly, despite serious health risks that can include death. However, black and Hispanic cultures are overwhelmingly more intrigued by a woman's posterior curvature. Don't get me wrong; everyone, especially me, loves the beauty of breasts. But for Black and Hispanic cultures, a woman's butt has a more powerful effect.
In Black culture, there've been many songs made about a woman's butt, or the lovingly termed, "booty". This is especially true with hip-hop, where songs like "Rump shaker", "Whoomp There It Is" and "Thong Song" are classics which all celebrate the glory of a woman's backside. Hispanics are famous for dance moves that emphasize hip movement, in both men and women.
However, White culture doesn't really regard an emphasis of the butt as classy, while displaying cleavage in an evening gown can be seen as elegant. In Europe during the Renaissance periods, displaying breasts was very fashionable, while the display of anything below that was considered risqué. This may explain why having a prominent buttocks has been looked down on in the past by Europeans.

This is Andressa Soares, known in Brazil as "Mulher Melancia", which means "The Watermelon Woman"; she is the same woman who's picture is posted at the beginning of this article. She has become an international sensation due to her very large, and very shapely butt. Brazilian women are famous for having the most beautifully curvaceous rear-ends in the world, and Brazilians are proud of it. Among scores of shapely women, Andressa Soares stands out as having the best body out of all of them.
Andressa's popularity really took off after Playboy got wind of the "Watermelon Woman", and put her on the cover.
Aside from modeling, Andressa is an entertainer, who frequently sings and dances in front of crowds of thousands. Her most famous dance is called the "Creu", named after an entertainer she was a back-up dancer for. The "Creu" is a dance where women shake their rear-ends in a machine-gun type of manner, increasing the speed five different times. Andressa's own skill at this dance, combined with her majestic backside, made her much more famous than the unremarkable entertainer she traveled with. After she went out on her own, she was no longer allowed to perform the "Creu" in public, so she made her own version of the dance with six different speeds instead of five.
In a documentary about her, Andressa's beautician commented that men, "Never turn their heads for a skinny woman; they'll turn their heads for a chubby woman, even if she's not that cute".
Because of women like Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian, it's becoming fashionable in the U.S. for women to have a plump, curvy bottom. But mainstream America is only just catching on to what most men have always agreed on, even if in secret; a butt, especially a big butt, is a wonder to behold.
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